Of the classes that I have taken since, Blogging for Scrapbookers left the greatest impression. It helped to cement a whole new dimension of my life...and through it I was lucky enough to 'meet' some incredibly talented and inspiring people. My subscriptions in Google Reader skyrocketed from about 14 to 165...and I realised just how much the blogosphere can compliment and even facilitate scrapbooking.
After the class finished, I decided that I wanted to document it in a mini album. And, since I am redesigning my blog at the moment, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so! I'm using a 7 Gypsies 5x7 Ringed Board Book, Bo Bunny's Kitchen Spice collection, a variety of alpha and letter stickers, and some AC Remarks transparent accents. Here's what I've come up with so far:
It's funny how different things look when they've been scanned! The screenshots and overall detail are a lot clearer on the actual page. For each prompt, I've taken a screenshot of my blog post and the prompt itself, along with one or two comments. Some journaling printed onto note paper and a couple of accents finish each page off.

I didn't want to spend ages arranging the elements on each page, so some things are thrown together in a slightly haphazard way! I wanted to focus instead on the totality of the album...so I'm hoping that it will look semi-presentable when it's finished. I have another 8 prompts to do, and I also want to do a page on my Google Reader and possibly a Wordle of all 12 prompts that I completed (were there 15 or so in total?). I guess I'll have to see how long my supplies last....
After the class finished, I decided that I wanted to document it in a mini album. And, since I am redesigning my blog at the moment, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so! I'm using a 7 Gypsies 5x7 Ringed Board Book, Bo Bunny's Kitchen Spice collection, a variety of alpha and letter stickers, and some AC Remarks transparent accents. Here's what I've come up with so far:
Thank you for looking!